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Experience, background and work project samples for Jim Draper, Video Director, editor and producer.


Highlights of Jim Draper's productions and projects.

Filtering by Tag: Nissan

Happy New Year!


I'm pleased to have a new website up and running for the New Year!  The above video montage (I edited in After Effects) highlights some of my favorite shows and productions over the last few years. To your right are some previous posts, describing several jobs I directed last year. I and many of my colleagues in the industry are interested in seeing how business will develop throughout the year. Normally the corporate production industry is very strong and I have not seen this level of concern since 9/11. This week, I would usually be on my way to the Detroit Auto show but Nissan/Infiniti (who I’ve worked with the last several years) and several other companies in the Auto Industry have cancelled their appearance at the show. As we have learned other major companies have cancelled or planned to cancel future events (most notably Cisco and Apple).

Diversity is important in times like these and we have to call upon our expertise to keep the workflow going. I usually have some editing or producing projects going on to fill the gaps when I’m not directing. If that’s not the case, I’ll work on pro bono projects that I’ve been putting off.

The middle of January I will be off to Dallasto direct the video for AT&T’s annual meeting, fly back and do a Seagate show for the Kenwood Group in Santa Cruz.

That will be my next post. In the mean time, send me your comments and...
All the best in the New Year!
